Violent Person File (VPF) Webinar
Beginning April 2024, the NCIC training team will be offering a monthly one-hour webinar on NCIC Violent Person File (VPF). The VPF contains records of individuals who have been convicted of violent crimes, or have made credible threats, against law enforcement and individuals who have been convicted of certain other violent crimes.

The training will cover the importance of utilizing the VPF, along with specific entry criteria, VPF retention period, and how to handle inquiries and responses.  The VPF all state training will be hosted by the FBI on Microsoft Teams and will be limited to 275 participants.

Registration Link:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VPFwebinar

Registration Link closes April 4, 2024 at 2:00 P.M. Eastern Time.

Please send any questions or comments to TCIC/TLETS Training for further information or assistance. TCIC.Training@dps.texas.gov | 512-424-2832

TCIC2000 State Discussion List / Interested in becoming an TCIC/TLETS Associate Trainer
The TCIC2000 Discussion Group is an email forum for the Texas law enforcement community to interact with other agencies regarding TCIC and TLETS.  DPS will use the Discussion Group to notify Texas agencies of issues or updates to TCIC or TLETS. 

Subscribing to the Discussion Group Send an email to listserv@listserv.dps.texas.gov with subscribe TCIC2000 plus your 

First name and Last name in the text of the message:

SUBSCRIBE TCIC2000 FirstName LastName

Canceling your subscription
 to the TCIC2000 Discussion Group Send an email to listserv@listserv.dps.texas.gov with cancel TCIC2000 plus your 
First name and Last name in the text of the message:
CANCEL TCIC2000 FirstName LastName

Posting to the TCIC2000Discussion Group 

Sending an email to TCIC2000@listserv.dps.texas.gov will message all subscribers on the TCIC2000 Discussion Group.  Please note that replying to TCIC2000 Listserv emails will reply to all scribers. 

Interested in becoming an TCIC/TLETS Associate Trainer 

Personnel interested in becoming an Associate Trainer must meet the following requirements:

A minimum of two years of experience with TCIC/TLETS Possess a current TCIC/TLETS Full Access Course certificate (TCOLE #4802); or TCIC/NCIC Full Access Course (TCOLE #3802) AND TLETS/Nlets Basic Operator Course (TCOLE #3809)
Provide a Letter of Recommendation from the Agency Administrator on letterhead Provide a Candidate Letter of interest DPS TCIC/TLETS 

Training recommends all Associate Trainers attend the TCOLE Basic Instructor Certification Course (TCOLE #1014).

Upon completion of the TCIC/TLETS Associate Trainer Course (TCOLE #4804), the Associate Trainer is required to conduct a minimum of one class per year. Associate Trainers must report TCIC/TLETS courses and students (excluding BPOC) through TCIC/TLETS Training and nexTEST. 

This course requires the TCIC/TLETS Associate Trainer Manual and TCIC/TLETS Full Access Manual.

Associate Trainers must recertify by attending the TCIC/TLETS Associate Trainer Recertification Course (TCOLE #4805 - 8 hours) every two years.